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[Help!]Any way to increase enemy level?

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So i am just wondering if there is any mod or something to increase the enemy level. I just finished the game and i am level 35.I want to solve all "?" on the map and i keep running into enemies 10 or more levels under me,making it boring.So is there any way i can make all enemies like level 35 or something ?

Thanks in advance.

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I don't have mod advice but I do have this...


I suggest you remove all damage bonuses. Remove your red mutagens and your damage skills. I'm level 35 as well and doing this adds back some extra challenge since enemies take more hits. Also switch the difficulty to Death March.

Edited by Musicdude132
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I wonder how hard it will be to make a mod that automatically sets enemy levels based on your current level.


It's difficult to imagine they did not think of that during production as a way to keep high level characters challenged. I wonder what the reason was not to go with that.

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I wonder how hard it will be to make a mod that automatically sets enemy levels based on your current level.


It's difficult to imagine they did not think of that during production as a way to keep high level characters challenged. I wonder what the reason was not to go with that.

Exactly my wonder,i would really like to see that being done,since this way game is little boring.

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