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Is modding in New Vegas any different from Skyrim?


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It depends how much modding you've done for Skyrim, if you've made up quests and done lots of scripting you will find FONV a bit more restrictive in that department, instead of "Events" you have "Blocks" (same thing) except you have only a very small number of them, but the big difference is the GameMode block which runs every frame so it makes up for the limited Blocks, but can be abused since code in it will execute often.


The editor itself feels very sluggish moving around compared to CK and you should see about a LAA exe if you can. You will also need to do some tweaks to the ini's to start with which I haven't got off the top of my head, not user friendly straight out of the box.


If your into making custom nifs then FONV (appears to me) has it the best when it comes to tools and when it comes to animating you can do pretty much what you please, unlike fighting with Skyrims Havok.

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