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Generate warnings.txt


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Trying to get fo3 to generate warnings.txt.


I found the settings for it in the .ini files as:

fallout_default.ini in the fallout main dir... and as fallout.ini & falloutprefs.ini in my user/games/fallout3 folder..


like so:










I have confirmed that these are the setting in each file (no idea which one gets loaded first/last)


Am I missing something to get a warning.txt file in my fallout3 dir?


Just to be clear I want no windows msg boxes if possible.. just the warnings written to file. Can't find a lot of reference to this stuff via google.




Just wanted to clarify.. permissions in the fallout 3 dir aren't set in such a way that fallout cannot write the file there. I checked em.. plus the geck has no trouble dumping warnings into geckWarnings.txt



For more clarification.. this is how I'm attempting to generate a warning to test..


Begin OnAdd Player

showWarning "This is the warning"



This block is stuck on an item. Sooo in theory picking it up should land me with a warnings.txt file.. with a new line in it..

Edited by astalas2031
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arg! still at it.. no luck obtaining said elusive file.



I did however add a showMessge TestMsg in the script just to test my OnAdd block.. like so:


Begin OnAdd Player

showMessage TestMsg

showWarning "This is the warning"



script compiles fine..


and like clockwork saw my testMsg... but still no warnings file.


Does anyone know of a surefire way to make it generate a warning?

Edited by astalas2031
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