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Good at writing Quests?


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If you are any good at writing scripts and quests i neded your help!


I am doing what started off as a fun little project but I want to expand, where I have transformed Vilverin, the Ayleid Ruin by the Imperial City sewers entrance. It has lots of fire and things, and I think it would be good as a large Daedra shrine of sorts.


I dont know how to do anything beyond the basics of CS, and I would like someone to write a quest to go along with the dungeon, as well as minor improvements to the building itself.


If anyone is interested, please reply.

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Writing it really, but thanks ill try it myself but i dont know much beyond the basics.

We all started with just the basics. Anything can be learned. :)


Good luck with trying! If you have any questions, you can ask me.

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I think i can help you..


I once made this mod, The Mace Of Molag Bal, it went good but I got tired after a while.

I personaly think that Molag Bal is the coolest Deadra Lord so I made a huge shrine in Crowhaven.

I also made a quest, The search for the cursed soul.


The Quest: You are to find a black soulgem that contains the soul of a great warlord. The soulgem is located inside a ruin, filled with Necromancers and undeads. Lots of fighting and that stuff.. and the reward for this quest is the Mace Of Molag Bal and a rank in a faction (Never got so far).


If you are intrested, mail me or something, and don't forget to give me some credit if you decide to use it :)

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