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Gamereactor out yet?


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Just wondering if anyone has been able to get a hold of gamereactor's February issue yet? I've been to some local gamestop stores here in Oslo, Norway, and they basically told me they get the magazine at a random date each month, and that they sometimes don't even get it. And when they do, it's quickly gone. So I'm hoping someone's gotten it and can share the contents since hopes look slim of me getting my hands on it. I read somewhere it's out February 7th, and that's today, so I'm surprised noone has posted any news today.
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Gamereactor was supposed to be on shelves February 1st. I myself haven't seen anything from that at all. I've searched a couple of stores (In Kristiansund), but haven't found anything regarding it.


Hopefully someone else have gotten their hands on it, and will post something about it here. :)

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I just got it now @ gamestop byporten in Oslo!

No new screenshots except for the cover. Haven't read the story yet as I'm stuck doing a school assignment, but I'll post a translated transcript when I get around to it.

There's a fun little story at the beginning of the article, which I liked. :)


Oh, and, I snatched another copy and will probably snatch a few more, so I could send you one if you don't get your hands on it if you'd like. :)

Edited by h3Xh3X
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