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Playsound at xmarker causing strange noise


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HI all,


Ive got an xmarker down to play a sound based on a script call so:


xmarkerref.playsound objsoundID


however when played ingame the sound is there but a loud alarm/buzzer is played over it almost like its telling me i got something wrong, now i do have a few of these sounds playing in quick succession so one may not be ending before the next starts, is this is known issue, im off to test it now just wanted some input..Thanks.


edit - hmmm single sound still does it when played in this way...is it that im trying to play an object sound on an xmarker? I think it might be. So does a sound play when its attached to a ref and that ref is enabled........


edit 2 - no it doesnt, damnit! so how do i make objects that are positioned around an area play their/a sound but have it played 3d not right into the players ears like hes stood next to the object? baring in mind the objects are being enabled via script.


edit - 3 wonder if a small script on these objects that stated if enabled playsound would work....

Edited by mjskull
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they are already existing sound files in the geck.


edit - cant have script on the object either playsound function here causes the buzzer again.


oh and just for clarity sake the sounds is OBJSwitchLights2D (is it the 2D bit i wonder??)

Edited by mjskull
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that is strange......


however, im no expert in the geck myself, but wonder if its due to the fact your trying to play a sound in this way,

Im not sure if I myself have had a `go to this locaiton, this sound plays,' moment in fallout.....

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well not really go this location, i can do that.


all im doing is you press a switch (activator) this runs a script and turns a light on, i want the light to make the "coming on" noise, but if the lights 100 metres away and i hear it like im next to it kind of ruins the moment. I want the sound to eminate from the light itself.

Edited by mjskull
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I am sure this must occur many times in the base game, such as when you power up the turbines in Hoover Dam. It may be helpful to see how one of them works. I have used the "talking activator" to have speech come from a location, which works well. In that case it is a dialog topic, so it may not work for you. BTW, if your script does several playsounds at once, without any delay, then all the sounds will play together. You need a timed script (see this tutorial) to have the sounds play one after another.
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Nope still stumped on this, ive found that nellis uses a script with this sound in the same way i do, but i just geta loud Buzzer sound not a light switching on sound...I just dont get this, it sounds fine in geck??? its only this sound by the way OBJSwitchLights2D Edited by mjskull
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This may not help, but is it possible that the sound is in a format which is OK for geck, but not OK for the game? This has happened to me for images. I was having trouble with textures that showed up wrong in geck, but showed up fine in game. It turned out this was dds files without mipmaps, ie, a slightly wrong data format. If you temporarily copy one of the existing game sounds in place of your sound, is it OK then?
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