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OBSE and Video Sliders


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Hi all,

I've noticed that when launching Oblivion with OBSE, the Oblivion Launcher video settings are overridden. For example, some of the fade sliders are set at 29. Each time I change those settings back to 100 with OL, OBSE changes them again. Is this normal? Or, is there something I can do to change this?


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Normally OBSE does not change these settings, as OBSE itself does "nothing" on its own. It starts the game, "expands" the function framework that can be used in scripts, adding tons and tons of new functionality to the scripting language, as long as the game's code is loaded in memory, then terminates itself.


Are you sure you don't just have an OBSE-dependent plugin or mod loaded which does these changes instead? The many performance enhancers I've seen so far require OBSE to work, and as such nothing will happen when the game's not run with OBSE and the changes will only happen when the game's launched with OBSE.


Also, after changing the settings inside the Oblivion Loader, do you start the game right from the loader as well? Or do you exit the loader immediately instead and then launch the game through OBSE?

Chances are the game first needs to be started once right after changing the settings for some of the settings to stick inside the game as well.

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Thanks for responding. This is what's odd. I launched the game from Oblivion Launcher, set sliders, quit and restared with OL to confirm the settings saved. They did. They would then revert once launching with OBSE, via NMM. Weird.


Thanks again.

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