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Retexturing help needed.


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The problem is, that the new texture of my clothig piece does not show up in the game, only in nifscope, in game it looks like it was searching for the texture but cannot find it, so it constantly changes colors, tries to pick up every texture it finds nearby :D


Then i figured out from some of the tutorials that something like this happens when you set up something wrong with the shaders, like it was a skin or something, but that is not the case, all is fine.

Also the path to the new texture in nifscope is set correctly. And i added a correct normal map. Both are correct size, dxt5 with mipmaps. My textures are in data/textures. So i made sure all the thing that i know could go wrong, wont.


I have little experience with retexturing (or modding at all), so here is what i exactly did: i tought i start with something small, like a scarf. I found a nice little scarf in satchels mod, that had an ugly boring brownish color, so i decided to change it. It uses a tiny little part of some of the wasteland outfits. So i edited the uv map in nifsope, then added my own texture to it (made sure it fits the uv map). Then i had the original nif owerwrtitten by the edited one. So i only changed the textures and the uv map, nothing else, everything is left as the original was.


Also i dont have any problems when i dont need to alter the textures in nifscope, i also changed a standalone modded armor by recoloring its original textures, then simply overwriting them with mine. But this time i cant do this beacuse it uses a texture that other stuffs do and i dont want to change those.


And i am well aware that there are plenty other mods that add great scarves and stuff. But seeing my own creations in game would be nice, and making them is fun :) I am planning to make some new armors for myself, but as long as such a tiny thing as recoloring a petty little scarf gives me a headache, i am not going further.


Thanks for any help.


P. S. I think i can make nice textures, but i find really hard creating a quality normal map, is there any photoshop tutorial for that? (yes i googled and no i cant use gimp only ps)

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