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DaMan 5

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I just downloaded rdweaponpack 1 and ive been having problems i go to the SlashNSMash to but them and their there but there is no icon and when i buy them there is a big exclimation mark around me. I checked if i had the meshes and textures and icons in my file and that i had selected the plugin and i have. But it still dosent work someone plz help me :(
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I checked if i had the meshes and textures and icons in my file


What exactly does this mean?


This type of problem has two possible causes:

1) Meshes and textures are not in the proper folders

2) Mod author did not properly assign meshes and textures


My guess would be 1).


Generally, a mod that adds new items* will include:

-An .ESP

-A "Meshes" folder

-A "Textures" folder


All three of these should be placed in \Oblivion\Data


*By this I mean items that appear different, not merely items that have different stats.

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