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Console VS Script Command Questions


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So there are console commands and script commands. I've used both a decent amount but I lack a bit of understand on the nature of them and their relationship.


The question first occurred to me long ago when I tried to use a console command in a geck script.. and it was like hey dumbass that's console only.. then resurfaced in a bigger way a min ago.


I created a bat file that looks like this:



scof "somefile.txt"

bat anotherfile.txt

bat anotherfile.txt

bat anotherfile.txt


so manually form the console i go: bat mainList.txt ..

.. and I get something like "bat: Unknown script command"..


and I'm thinking.. um it's a console command.. launched from console.. and I see that it did indeed make somefile.txt. I stuck some other commands in there before the first "bat anotherfile.txt" and they all work also.


Can a bat not launch a bat?

Am I missing syntax somewhere?

Why does it see it as a script command?


and further...


Why do most script commands work in console?

Why do the script commands that don't do anything in console give no error? They just sorta echo out.. (Label and GOTO as examples (fose) (followup -> but it seeing "bat" as a script command does?)



It seems like using BAT tried to run each line independently of the others.. and yet a call to 'bat' within the bat file doesn't seem to be so..

Edited by astalas2031
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