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Morrowind total conversion using creation Kit


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I have a few ideas on some mods and one of the obvious choices was a morrowind total conversion game using the newly created and highly anticipated creation kit. I would like your opinion and ask that you also post how it could look. Your information is valuable and please stay on topic, thanks


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In a little while from now, a moderator will come along and lock this thread so it can no longer continue. This idea you're mentioning has been done for Oblivion (it's called Morroblivion), and ever since then, mentioning such a project has become taboo on these forums. While recreating past TES games in newer ones isn't striclly illegal, Betheda doesn't tend to like it, or at least not when it gets the publicity of being on a big site like this one. The people who run this site prefer to maintain a happy relationship with Bethesda, meaning they're about to end this discussion. I don't like it either. :( Edited by Jermungand
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I have a few ideas on some mods and one of the obvious choices was a morrowind total conversion game using the newly created and highly anticipated creation kit. I would like your opinion and ask that you also post how it could look. Your information is valuable and please stay on topic, thanks




Who says I'm making it for the public. As long as I am not marketing it this is perfectly legal trust me I should know. This is no different than creating a past creature or faction previously existing in an elder scrolls game. If you have a problem with it wich clearly you do or you would have answered my question you can remove your post or alow me to unless you have profitable information to share!



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I have a few ideas on some mods and one of the obvious choices was a morrowind total conversion game using the newly created and highly anticipated creation kit. I would like your opinion and ask that you also post how it could look. Your information is valuable and please stay on topic, thanks




Who says I'm making it for the public. As long as I am not marketing it this is perfectly legal trust me I should know. This is no different than creating a past creature or faction previously existing in an elder scrolls game. If you have a problem with it wich clearly you do or you would have answered my question you can remove your post or alow me to unless you have profitable information to share!




Dude, you need to CHILL OUT. I, personally, do not have a problem with it. I never said anything to imply that I don't like the idea of a Morrowind Total Conversion. I like the idea very much, and it is in fact legal. What I'm trying to tell you, if you'd actually try to read what I typed, is that the people who run this site don't like it regardless. I like the idea, it's legal, and I have no intention of shooting you down. What I politely pointed out to you is that a moderator is going to show up and end this conversation. Get mad at him, not me.

Edited by Jermungand
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A total conversion of Morrowind is not against the rules. It is against the rules to PORT or RIP (copy instead of making a new object) copyrighted assets from Morrowind into another game. As long as the conversion does not use the copyrighted resources from Morrowind there is no problem.


We don't even know what is going to be possible with this new SDK and you are arguing about it already. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif


Bben46, Moderator

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A total conversion of Morrowind is not against the rules. It is against the rules to PORT or RIP (copy instead of making a new object) copyrighted assets from Morrowind into another game. As long as the conversion does not use the copyrighted resources from Morrowind there is no problem.


We don't even know what is going to be possible with this new SDK and you are arguing about it already. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif


Bben46, Moderator


Wow, this isn't at ALL what the moderator told ME when I posted the idea. Crickey, everybody reacted to my own thread a month ago as if I'd been arming a bomb with every word I typed, and then the moderator locked the thread. It was explained to me that Bethesda doesn't want people do it AT ALL. Well, that was a lot of ruffled feathers over absoloutely nothing (sigh). :dry:


Thanks for clearing that up.


I think Red Mountain needs to be taller and more mountainlike. The original one was actually pretty low, because nobody had to worry about what it looked like from a great distance.

Edited by Jermungand
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I have a few ideas on some mods and one of the obvious choices was a morrowind total conversion game using the newly created and highly anticipated creation kit. I would like your opinion and ask that you also post how it could look. Your information is valuable and please stay on topic, thanks




Who says I'm making it for the public. As long as I am not marketing it this is perfectly legal trust me I should know. This is no different than creating a past creature or faction previously existing in an elder scrolls game. If you have a problem with it wich clearly you do or you would have answered my question you can remove your post or alow me to unless you have profitable information to share!




Dude, you need to CHILL OUT. I, personally, do not have a problem with it. I never said anything to imply that I don't like the idea of a Morrowind Total Conversion. I like the idea very much, and it is in fact legal. What I'm trying to tell you, if you'd actually try to read what I typed, is that the people who run this site don't like it regardless. I like the idea, it's legal, and I have no intention of shooting you down. What I politely pointed out to you is that a moderator is going to show up and end this conversation. Get mad at him, not me.



I'm chill, but would still like your opinion. I'm new to this forum and don't want any trouble, I just want people to stay on topic. Anyone with ideas should post, it gives game creators thoughts for next generation titles.

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I would like some clarification on this issue.


Let's say I made a mod for Skyrim, which didn't contain or port any Oblivion content, or upload said content in any way, but had Oblivion content the user must supply themselves as a requirement. Would this be acceptable?


As far as I can tell it's the actual uploading or porting of the content it's self which is illegal, not the authoring of a ESM file which utilizes said content if made available... :confused:

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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