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Morrowind total conversion using creation Kit


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I would like some clarification on this issue.


Let's say I made a mod for Skyrim, which didn't contain or port any Oblivion content, or upload said content in any way, but had Oblivion content the user must supply themselves as a requirement. Would this be acceptable?


As far as I can tell it's the actual uploading or porting of the content it's self which is illegal, not the authoring of a ESM file which utilizes said content if made available... :confused:


Sounds fine. I haven't used a construction set so far, but it sounds like you'd have to require every downloader to make half the mod, all by and for themselves, in that case.


However, the legal circumstance on using Oblivion meshes and textures could be different from using Morrowind's. Many of Morrowind's were made by third party companies, who did not grant permission for them to be used outside of the game they were intended for. The case may be different for Oblivion. I don't know.

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Yeah it's a slippery slope and really confusing.


To make matters more frustrating, I see files ported from other games all the time, especially STALKER, but porting these seems to go ignored... so I don't really know what is acceptable and what is not. I have a lot of ideas for mods which may or may not break the rules and I don't want to upload something and suddenly find myself banned.

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We don't even know if it will be possible to use Oblivion assets in Skyrim yet, and won't for over half a year. Things could change between now and then. If we are lucky, maybe for the better. If not, all Oblivion content could be off limits or not even possible. Until we see the SDK we won't know anyway. No sense worrying about it yet.


For now, this entire thing is pure speculation. I'm not going to make a ruling on a game and SDK that has not been released yet and I don't know anything about.

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Fair enough, thanks for that.


What if I made a mod for New Vegas which would utilize, but did not contain content from FO3?

That's fine, for some reason it's still a gray area on the nexus though.

But, threads on merging FO3 & FNV that required no files be uploaded were still locked. Thankfully another forum picked up the project.

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A total conversion of Morrowind is not against the rules. It is against the rules to PORT or RIP (copy instead of making a new object) copyrighted assets from Morrowind into another game. As long as the conversion does not use the copyrighted resources from Morrowind there is no problem.


We don't even know what is going to be possible with this new SDK and you are arguing about it already. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif


Bben46, Moderator


Wow, this isn't at ALL what the moderator told ME when I posted the idea. Crickey, everybody reacted to my own thread a month ago as if I'd been arming a bomb with every word I typed, and then the moderator locked the thread. It was explained to me that Bethesda doesn't want people do it AT ALL. Well, that was a lot of ruffled feathers over absoloutely nothing (sigh). :dry:


Thanks for clearing that up.



I think Red Mountain needs to be taller and more mountainlike. The original one was actually pretty low, because nobody had to worry about what it looked like from a great distance.

Good idea! Now that the draw distance will be increased that will be important, kudos!

Edited by dovahkiin187
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I would like some clarification on this issue.


Let's say I made a mod for Skyrim, which didn't contain or port any Oblivion content, or upload said content in any way, but had Oblivion content the user must supply themselves as a requirement. Would this be acceptable?


As far as I can tell it's the actual uploading or porting of the content it's self which is illegal, not the authoring of a ESM file which utilizes said content if made available... :confused:

As long as you make everything from the new kit and port nothing from morrowind or its kit this should be acceptable as the moderator explained. So yes!! Read the yellow text! This discussion lives on!

p.s. you can't market it either unless you have their permission to!

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I would like some clarification on this issue.


Let's say I made a mod for Skyrim, which didn't contain or port any Oblivion content, or upload said content in any way, but had Oblivion content the user must supply themselves as a requirement. Would this be acceptable?


As far as I can tell it's the actual uploading or porting of the content it's self which is illegal, not the authoring of a ESM file which utilizes said content if made available... :confused:


That is how Morroblivion works - You need to have Morrowind's files to make it work. And to answer your question, this is a no-no.

To make it a yes-yes, you will need to make your own resources from scratch. :)

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