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Morrowind total conversion using creation Kit


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To extend Skyrim by the lands of Skyrim-dated Morrowind and Oblivion by doing own content, that would be cool, new quests, kinda changed landscape due to time elapsed. Doubt it would hurt Beths or anyone of their contracters feelings as long you do not republish their content. I for one just like to see less "you can't go there" messages :)


To offer some script-application that if the user owns legimate copies of Morrowind, Skyrim and Oblivions pulls in Morrowind or Oblivion content into Skyrim - would as far I can tell also not get anyones pants in a twist. Sub rosa they actually might like it, as it could get people to buy Oblivion or Morrowind who otherwise wouldn't. Strictly speaking running the application would alter copyright content, but as long it stays on your PC only, it won't do anyone harm.


I'd like the former more, If I wanted to play Morrowind again, I'd just do that, and if I wanted it to be more awesome I get more mods :)

Edited by faifh
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I think Red Mountain needs to be taller and more mountainlike. The original one was actually pretty low, because nobody had to worry about what it looked like from a great distance.



But yes, I do agree, Red Mountain could stand to be more... intimidating.



Actually I think Red Mountain should look more like Anak Krakatau, and the associated island chains, after all the timeframes since Krakatau blew it's stack are similar to the ones since Red Mountain.

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The best would be to make a new Morrowind, approximately as it is in 4E200, using custom meshes/textures (+ Skyrim resources of course). This is legal, allowed on the Nexus, and so much more awesome than if the resources are just ported!

It is harder, it will take longer time, but the outcome is so much better. (As long as the meshes/textures stays true to how they are in Morrowind)


THIS... I've already played Morrowind and would love to see how the landscape has changed over the last few centuries.

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Exactly, parts of the region, Dagon Fel, Sadrith Mora, Tel Branora, Vivec, Gnisis would probably exist on islands. But the central part of Vvardenfell would be a completely new peak/caldera caused by recent volcanic activity.


Exactly, almost like straight up ash around most of Vvardenfell with lava ruins towards the lower canyons. But there would still be the open forest part on the west side of the canal towards Skyrim, which I imagine would look like The Rift, with the fog and brown leaves/grass.

Edited by a7x5631
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I know this is an old thread... But you could probably use many meshes from Skyrim to make a good Morrowind. Just use recolored snow as "ash", recolored stone as "basalt", and most of the undisturbed land of Morrowind could be made using the meshes from within blackreach.


You really could go about it however you wanted, not worrying about any of the topography from the previous game.... After all, Vvardelfell has changed quite a lot, Solstein had fairly boring topography, and the mainland was never used (except for the capital which was dead flat)


Even Vivec, assuming it survives, could be made using castle meshes. The hard part would be making Netches.... And what would happen if a Netch ran into a dragon?

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Well, as long as all of the stuff used in making the new Morrowind isn't ripped straight from Morrowind (the game, not the place), then it should be okay to release publicly.


Hell, to make the ashstorms, all you'd need to do is retexture the blizzards from a white to a dirty dark brown, same with snow when your making the ashlands.

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