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I'm sure this has been asked a lot...


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Okay this may be a stupid question, but I feel like I need to ask it anyways: Is there a mod, whether a WIP or not, that is designed specifically to add on the Summerset Isle?


I ask this because that is by far my favorite province to read about, and yet despite the fact that it has great potential, I haven't seen a single mod or heard of anyone trying to make the Summerset Isle.


If I'm wrong and there's a team out there, could someone please point in the right direction as to who they are, or if not I suppose I'll wait till Skyrim comes out and start a team myself (who knows.)


That being said, I imagine a question like this has been asked numerous times by now so I apologize for any repetitiveness and hope you can answer it just one more time.

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Actually, there was at one time; Summerset Isle Improved. Unfortunately, it's been abandoned and taken down (atleast from Nexus), which is pretty disappointing since I also like the province and it's lore as well. It definitely does have potential.


That would be awesome if you started it, but it's definitely a lot of work. At the same time, Summerset Isles I imagine would be even better in Skyrim, because where better to go after being in the snowy and cold Skyrim? lol


And I know personally I don't see this question much actually, not even once for Summerset Isle I believe lol But I really hope in Skyrim we can see Summerset Isles modded finally.


Hope I was of some help,


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Hmm...well I was really disappointed when I heard that Skyrim would be where the new TES game would take place. Though I suppose I already knew that it would be Skyrim a few years ago just like everyone did when Bethesda copyrighted the name back in 08 or 09 or w/e.


Thats not to say I'm not looking forward to Skyrim, I've already preordered a copy and I'm as anxious as anyone to play it.


But yeah, you can do so much with the creation kit, so I think I'll wait until that comes out before gathering a team to create the Summerset Isles. I'm looking forward to making models for the city of Alinor anyways and I've got a few ideas for some of the towers I want to use too. I suppose I'll start making models until Skyrim comes out, that should atleast give me something to do. Then I'll see about gathering a team for the Summerset Isles.

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Hmm...well I was really disappointed when I heard that Skyrim would be where the new TES game would take place. Though I suppose I already knew that it would be Skyrim a few years ago just like everyone did when Bethesda copyrighted the name back in 08 or 09 or w/e.


Thats not to say I'm not looking forward to Skyrim, I've already preordered a copy and I'm as anxious as anyone to play it.


But yeah, you can do so much with the creation kit, so I think I'll wait until that comes out before gathering a team to create the Summerset Isles. I'm looking forward to making models for the city of Alinor anyways and I've got a few ideas for some of the towers I want to use too. I suppose I'll start making models until Skyrim comes out, that should atleast give me something to do. Then I'll see about gathering a team for the Summerset Isles.

Hey if you're going to do the Summerset Isles, you can count me in =) Though I guess there's nothing for me to do until Skyrim comes out since you of all people know I do NOT model lol. But yeah, we'll have to get together sometime and work on it, plan it out etc.

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Hmm...well I was really disappointed when I heard that Skyrim would be where the new TES game would take place. Though I suppose I already knew that it would be Skyrim a few years ago just like everyone did when Bethesda copyrighted the name back in 08 or 09 or w/e.


Thats not to say I'm not looking forward to Skyrim, I've already preordered a copy and I'm as anxious as anyone to play it.


But yeah, you can do so much with the creation kit, so I think I'll wait until that comes out before gathering a team to create the Summerset Isles. I'm looking forward to making models for the city of Alinor anyways and I've got a few ideas for some of the towers I want to use too. I suppose I'll start making models until Skyrim comes out, that should atleast give me something to do. Then I'll see about gathering a team for the Summerset Isles.

Hey if you're going to do the Summerset Isles, you can count me in =) Though I guess there's nothing for me to do until Skyrim comes out since you of all people know I do NOT model lol. But yeah, we'll have to get together sometime and work on it, plan it out etc.

Hey you're actually on!!! Where have you been!? I haven't seen you in a while D=


But yeah that aside, just message me and I'll tell you what we should do. I have some ideas but since you're the lore expert I'd like to hear what you have to say. Oh and we have a year to come up with a decent storyline, so we'll need to work that out too.


And start coming on more often >.<

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