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Mods not showing up ingame


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Hello, i am new here.

I just started with mods to oblivion, i started with some face mods and it worked like it should. However i downloaded nightshade armor and such, i visited all the places where they should be and no, they are not there, i have tried to reinstall three times, i have updated and made sure its the latest version and i have also checked in the "Data files" when you first bootup the game and still no success, and when installing the mods i have done the same way as each modder has depicted in their description of the mod.


Please help

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do you use OBMM??

if not, then the first thing you should do is get OBSE (just google it), and then get OBMM, and start using it (you should never use the Data Files, unless you have no other option)


if you can't check the plugin in OBMM, then you put it in the wrong place, and so you need to make sure you installed the mod properly

if you can check the plugin, but it's still not working, you should try adding one of the items through a console command

if this isn't working (if the game can't identify the armor's ID), then the mod isn't active, for some reason

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Well...while some older mods will work with the original version of Oblivion, most ('newer') mods will not be recognized unless you have the most recent version of Oblivion.


Check which version of Oblivion you are running -- it should be version 1.2.0416.


I bring this up because the behavior you describe sounds like a symptom of not having patched Oblivion to version 1.2.0416.





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