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Need Installing Help!


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:wallbash: OK, so I download the Oblivion Mod Manager,the one on the alltime most endorsed page, and download my first mod.This mod was Midas' Magic.For some reason this one worked, but all mods I try after it have no success.Some of them with an icon of a pagehave an orange lock on them, such as Deadly Reflexes. :dry: I've tried putting these in my Oblivion Data,but they don't install,so I try to use my mod manger to activate them, but they don't even show up when using the mod manager.Can someone help me,and maybe for my own interest,explain why it's worked for Midas' Magic and nothing else?



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:wallbash: OK, so I download the Oblivion Mod Manager,the one on the alltime most endorsed page, and download my first mod.This mod was Midas' Magic.For some reason this one worked, but all mods I try after it have no success.Some of them with an icon of a pagehave an orange lock on them, such as Deadly Reflexes. :dry: I've tried putting these in my Oblivion Data,but they don't install,so I try to use my mod manger to activate them, but they don't even show up when using the mod manager.Can someone help me,and maybe for my own interest,explain why it's worked for Midas' Magic and nothing else?





You need to be a bit more specific about what you did to attempt installation and what mods you tried to install and failed.


Before going further, however, I recommend you read/study the opening post on this thread from Bethesda's Official Oblivion Mods forum..it is one of the best and most comprehensive guides for new Oblivion mod users and authored by one of the most accomplished Oblivion modders ever, dev_akm.


Hope this helps.






P.S. I also recommend Tomlong's site tesivPOSitive. It is an excellent guide to installing Oblivion mods.

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