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Durnehviir's custom drain life shout don't have voice effect


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I recently created 2 new shouts/spells on CK to make Durnehviir something more than a flying giant meatshield.


What I basically did was powering his frost breath and his drain life shout a little bit so it will actually damage his targets. The shouts are functional, but sadly, his badass "GAH.... *pltlpltptl*.. LAH HASS11!!!" voice on the drain life shout doesn't work with this custom shout. It's basically the same shout, but with a different name and values.


Can someone give me a light of what do I need to do to enable his voice on this custom shout? Perhaps if there is a voice file that I must link with the custom shout? Any help will be rewarded with a dookie.

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