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Anybody know what happened to Dark Lilith?


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LadyM is aware of what happened but doesn't want to even have a topic about it in her forums, or even tell me in PM. Which makes me think that it'd be best I ask this:


If you do know and are willing to tell, please PM me. Do not talk about it here. There is probably a good reason why she doesn't want it publicly posted. (The impression I got is that it can cause a conversation that is not needed publicly that can get probably to a point of flame or something.) So after posting this thread I am asking moderators to lock it. If they are aware of what is going on and don't even want me to ask this here, then go ahead and delete this entire topic, or replace the words with two words. "Deleted. Pie."


Anyways, if anybody knows what happened and it is not personal in the sense that it is okay for a concerned friend who is worried about her disappearance and was recently told she died (turns out not she did not. Thank god.) please PM me with whatever you can tell me. If it is too personal, however, then completely disregard this altogether. Whatever said to me shall stay with me unless I am told it's actually not personal.. I don't know why LadyM didn't want to talk about it at all, even vaguely. For all I know it's just the situation brings emotions for LadyM that she doesn't need to have brought up, or because the CIA is secretly holding a gun to her head telling her not to say anything. I have absolutely no idea what's going on, I'm just worried.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Please do NOT post anything in this thread at all before it is locked. If you have something to tell me, make it a PM. I'm saying this in case it does turn out to be something that doesn't need to be public.

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