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Infiltrator/Perforator with shorter barrel & stock


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I really really like the Infiltrator and Perforator from The Pitt.. except for the fact that they have no stock and the barrel is very ugly being that long and having a silencer attached.


This mod:


resolves my issue of the barrel being long, and this mod:


has the ability to add a stock, but it's buggy and the textures flicker, it has clipping issues (which I don't mind THAT much) and it doesn't have the shorter barrel.


I've fruitlessly tried to take the stock from said mod and put it on the short-barreled mod, but I just don't have the skills or experience with NifSkope or 3D modelling tools to do it; nor the time to try to learn.


Is it possible for somebody else to do this? Seriously, I'd love you forever. Many other people would probably love you too.



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