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Request for Compatibility Patch and Disable Map Key.


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First I wanted a compatibility patch for "Frost-fall" and "Dragon Souls: Death is Highly Overrated".

The problem is when you die from freezing in Frost-fall, Dragon Souls will respawn you while still in freezing mode, so you die infinitely. I think the solution to the problem would be easy, maybe adding in a few lines of code, adding in a few conditional statements so Dragon Souls can recognize Frostfalls freezing stat, then reset it.


The author of Dragon Souls explicitly says you can mod /use his mod with permission, so you wouldn't need to get permission from him to work on this compatibility patch. (He abandoned the mod)


The second more difficult mod I request is hide, disable the m key from being pressed or changed, etc. Stop me from using the built in Skyrim map at all. There are a few mods which allow me to equip maps and look at road signs to get around, so if someone can successfully make the built in map completely unaccessable, that would be appreciated.


Please any modder get back to me on this. I waited a few years hpping change would come... and it didn't. I'm back knowing that "Skyrim 2" wont be coming for a long time. So Skyrim still a good investment for modding, thanks to Elder Scrolls Online.

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