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Can i side with House and keep Boone?


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You can side with House and have Boone to the end. There's also a peaceful resolution with the NCR if you play your cards right even when to do side with House. After all it isn't House's ultimate intention to go to war with the NCR. He mostly wants them out of the region so he can control the dam. Controlling the dam insures that he will be in power for a very long time to come.
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Mind telling me how to get house to peacefully resolve with the NCR, so im ready?


Some spoilers here for anyone reading that doesn't want to see them. Well it's at the very end so unless you modded the game to keep playing after the main story it won't make a whole lot of difference. But it's in the final conversation you have with General Oliver and you need to have 100 in either Speech, Barter, or Science to resolve it peacefully. If you have a skill high enough, but not quite 80, you can boost it up to 100 with a magazine before starting the conversation. You talk to Oliver after wiping out Cesar's troops after the fight at the Dam. As you approach the main gate to leave Oliver bursts through with an explosion so save before heading to the gate and use a magazine if you need to.

Edited by Dasim4
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