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what happens if i use too many mods at a time?


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Getting a good working balance of mods is actually a pretty hard thing to accomplish. The more mods you add, the harder it gets to keep the game running. I don't think anyone runs FO3 without errors of some sort, some days the game will be nice and smooth but then on other days it'll just keep crashing no matter what you try to do.


Take the time to do plenty of research of installing mods, make sure you get all the recommended utility programs as well because those will be the main things you rely on to get all your chosen mods to work together properly.


Oh, and start off small, don't try throwing 100 or so mods at the game straight off. Install a few small, simple mods to start with and test how the game runs with them.


As for performance issues, that will depend on how you fine tune the game settings to run on your system.


Don't be afraid to ask questions here, there's usually a few people around who will be happy to provide answers.

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