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Monster Mod Woes


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I've put a lot of effort into trying to find the right monster mod for me, but I've had limited success. I'm looking for a mod that changes the leveled lists so that low level monsters always still have a chance of spawning, but without making the leveled lists static. I'm looking for realism, so I'd also like equipment to scale appropriately... ie no glass equipment on bandits. I'd also like more varied encounters, utilizing size scaling, and preferably more monster types (with a similar look and feel as vanilla monsters), or at least multiple recolors. I'd also like to have it contain zombies of all vanilla races.


Mods that I have come across that incorporate most of these changes also seem to change far too many other things. I'm starting to feel lost in mods, as I have been trying to build my "perfect" game for over a month now.


Ultimately I'd like more varied encounters, with monster loot table reflecting any item mods I have downloaded, without imbalancing the game. Searching the forums so far has been unsuccessful, so I apologize if I have missed a relevant thread.


I'd appreciate any suggestions. I feel like I may need to resort to building it myself, but I am fully aware that my modding skills are lackluster, and I don't want to throw my time away with the possiblity that my perfect mod has already been created.

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You found the right place. It's on the WACshop forum with all the Realswords. You'll need to register to read the forums, but it is well worth it. Realswords is included, as the bandits use those items, and then some. It doesn't include them in shops unless you want them too. It's a very modular mod if you're particular about the things you want. Tons of options. You don't need to worry about any of them if you don't want to. It's very user-friendly. c:
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