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Since so much talk about voice moding


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Im working on my mod tonight, and exactly what I needed. Jsut how the hell I do it.


I got some dialog into a MP3 format


Heres a nice link if anyone needs to convert.




Its online, Im very hesitant about downloading crapola. up down, nice. Not sure its even in the right frequency but still I like up down. then downloading some program no nothing about, and launching it.


Anyway, can we put this thread in the right direction, need some info on how to get the dialog some sound.



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It isn't quite clear what you are asking. If you have a quest, you probably already have a topic where you have typed in each line to be spoken. When you double click on any spoken line you get the "Edit Response" dialog box. At the bottom it gives the exact file path you must provide. The name is long and cryptic such as sound/voice/yourmod.esp/yourvoicetype/yourtopic_yourformid.wav. The file can be either wav or mp3 or ogg. Just give your mp3 file this exact directory location and filename. That's all you need to do. I have learned about it in this thread and I have added over 300 lines of dialog into my current mod (at this link). Edited by davidlallen
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Im gonna have to read this again when Im straight. Either Im totally fked up, and cant read, or there is definitly something Im missing. I'll check it out in the morning with coffee. Bottom line I cant get to the edit part where I add my mp3. I can record a new one, which NPC does not speak, yet I hear it in geck. I can see the file structure. Its there. But no way to add in the Voice that I want. Read both threads Allen, and thank you. Will check it out in the morning with mug in hand.



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