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Might I sacrifice myself under these conditions?


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I am playing through a campaign as a Mage Elf female, I have Wynne, Morrigan, Alistair, Sten, my dog Trouble, Leliana, and Zevran in my party. I do not intend to get Oghren or Shale, and would like to take off Loghain's head personally, so I won't be getting him either. My question is, I am playing this campaign through with Leliana as my romance/partner, Morrigan is my bff, Sten is pretty impressed with my ability to get things done. Zevran and I haven't really interacted much, although I've given him his main gifts (Dalish Gloves and Antivan Leather Boots), I haven't really succumbed to his advances and his approval has waned as a result. That leads me to Alistair. I've been kinda mean to Alistair. Not on purpose, mind you. I just have no interest in him romantically (this play-through), and therefore end up telling him what I think and not what I know he wants to hear...and as a result, he doesn't like me all that much. I think I'm on about -20 approval at the moment.


So, for anyone who knows, I plan on sacrificing myself at the end of the game. I plan on encouraging Anora to take the throne, either with, or without Alistair as her king. I say this because I'm not sure with either result of Alistair taking the crown or not, how my chances fare on taking the Archdemon out by myself. I'd rather not allow Loghain to live, have no desire to start being nice to Alistair, and if I can help it, will NOT allow anyone else to take that killing blow besides myself. Given the situations and circumstances I've described, how is the best way to go about the rest of the game in order to get the outcome I want?


I appreciate any and all responses!

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Heyas swolfmoon :) Always good to see another wolf in the DA forums :D


Ok, first off, you have no choice in regards to Oghren. I'm afraid that he joins you whether you want him or not, and there's no option for getting rid of him. :pinch:


Another thing about Zev-

If you let his approval drop below 30-ish... a bit later in the game he will turn around and attack you in the Elven Alienage segment of the adventure. Whether you have him in the party or not, he will just "appear" if you didnt have him with you.



Getting alistair to marry anora requires... I believe 80+ approval with him. And you may have to convince him to do it, which is a skill check.

And if you announce that you will be backing anora without talking to her about marrying al, she will try to have him killed. Because he's a threat to her seat.


The final battle CAN be done without Al. Most of us leave him at the city, to defend the gates if he's still alive when we tackle the arch demon (AD).

You pretty much just want to take your best people with you, when you attack the AD, and leave the weenies to defend the gate. You control Only the character at the gates that you left in charge, and the rest pretty much attack as they will. No worries tho, the monsters that attack the city only take one shot to kill.


I would definitely recommend taking at least one mage with you against the AD for healing tho. And since you are talking about doing the sacrifice, it sounds like Morrigan will not be with you by then to have her along. So equip Wynn with your best stuff for mages that you can. Preferably with a lot of stuff to buff her mana.

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Hi, glad you're enjoying the game, it is a great deal of fun isn't it.


Darkewolf is correct you have to take up Oghren he isn't an option, and you will loose Morrigan. You will therefore have a party of just 7 for the final battle (this excludes Shale and Morrigan).


The final battles are difficult so if you'll take some advice you'd:


1. Make Alistair king - after killing loghain of course. The reason for this is you leave him at the gates in charge of the forces there. For your Party to the AD I take it you'd take Wynne, Sten and Leliana. This would leave Dog, Oghren and Alistair. I've always found controlling Oghren a little difficult so Alistair would be the main tank and make the Gates battle a little easier in the long run.


2. Really buff up Wynne as she will be you primary here, as a healer she will need to get you all to the top in one piece and therefore the best equipment you can get for her the better it will be.


3. Sten can use his default or get the Warden Armor mod which is good without being overpowered. He's your tank and will take a great deal of damage.


4. As party leader you will need some pretty hefty destruction spells (long range if possible) to take out the hordes. Focus on building these for the rest of the game.


5. Leliana can be used as a secondary tank or archer, depending upon how you enjoy playing the final battle. As an archer she becomes ranged so build her skills as an archer.


Remember to plan tactically for Fort Drakon and the Palace as you don't want to lose to many of your backup army members ie Dwarves, Elves, Legion of the Dead, mages, Redcliffe Soldiers. Save frequently and try out the different styles on the rooftop. For example use your mages as the primary force the first time round, then Elves etc etc.


Enjoy and let us know how you faired.

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