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Buyable, placeable shrines


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I would like to see a mod that lets you buy and then place all the shrines found in Skyrim. Not just the Nine Divines, but also the Daedric shrines (Nocturnal, Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala) and Auriel's shrine. Once bought you could take them to your home, mod or vanilla, and place them on a shelf and use them to get the blessings. As far as that goes you could use a mod like Placeable Statics to put them where ever you want.


Maybe set it up so the Khajiit caravans would be the ones to sell them.


This would be a convenience for those with house mods located in the wilds or out of the way places that do not include any shrines.

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While that mod solves the problem for the Hearthfire homes it doesn't do a thing for mod homes. If it does I totally overlooked it reading the description.


I found a work around for my problem. I downloaded Jaxonz Positioner mod and visited Raven Rock and a mod home that had a shrine to Nocturnal. Using Jaxonz mod I just make copies and placed them in my home that was lacking them.

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  • 7 months later...

I found this thread while looking for movable shrines, myself, and still haven't found anything. I have the Helgen Reborn mod, and wanted to place a shrine of Arkay on the roof. No such luck. I can make a shrine base with Candles and Lanterns, but it's useless for anything other than a pretty candle holder, since there are no movable shrines to put on top of it. It just seems odd that shrines are such a big deal in the lore, but there's no mod yet (or so far, I haven't found one) that let's you make or buy movable shrines. I feel like you should be able to make them at a smithy just like anything else, but you'd need magical components, like you do for Hearthfire (amulets). Oh well, it's all talk, since I can't make the mod myself. If anyone has discovered a working, movable shrine, let me know. Otherwise... pretty please, will someone make the mod?

PS, Khalifrio, does your shrine copy actually work?

Edited by Hwy61Meg
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