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A goblin who follows you, holds your junk, sells it


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IMO the worst part of Skyrim is agonizing over what to do with all the junk you find. And it sucks going to vendors to sell it.


Solution: A tiny treasure goblin (sure, let's rip off Diablo 3) will follow you and carry your junk. He doesn't fight or interfere. He just takes you crap and sells it if you want, or holds it if you don't.


Well, why don't YOU make it, you say? I'm basically an idiot when it comes to programming and technical stuff. But yeah, you're right. I should.

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There are already several followers who can be none combative and hold and/or sell your junk. No goblins specifically to my knowledge but many others. Creeper and friends for example http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13508/?


and Dovahbit being another http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37982/?

Edited by Oubliette
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