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Mods not showing in game after installing and enabling.

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First off, I'm quite new to modding. I recently got back into New Vegas and wanted to add a little bit to it so I downloaded a texture mod, a windowed borderless mod and a weapons mod. I installed them and enabled them but they don't work at all in game. Any ideas on something I'm doing wrong or might have missed? My fallout is through steam if that helps at all. Thanks in advance.

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First off did you install them manually or through NMM ?

Secondly did you go into the data files of the launcher ( or whatever it's called ) and ticked the .esp's ?
Lastly did any of your mods require NVSE or anything like that and do you have it installed ?
I know you said you are new to modding so if you have any questions of what on earth are those things i just said i will link you to some video guides.

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Yep - I'd highly recommend NMM, especially for texture mods. For texture mods, it's very likely you'll need to archive invalidate as well to get them to work. But the basic way of enabling a mod through the launcher is to click on "Data Files" and check the boxes for the ESPs you downloaded.

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First off did you install them manually or through NMM ?

Secondly did you go into the data files of the launcher ( or whatever it's called ) and ticked the .esp's ?

Lastly did any of your mods require NVSE or anything like that and do you have it installed ?

I know you said you are new to modding so if you have any questions of what on earth are those things i just said i will link you to some video guides.

Yes I installed through NMM and yes I checked the boxes in data. I'm not entirely sure what NVSE is so I would definitely appreciate those videos :D

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