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I'm new to the TES Nexus. Long time fan of the Elder Scrolls series.

I am currently working as a 3D artist in the games industry, and I thought I'd put my portfolio work aside, and start working on some mods for Oblivion, while I wait for Skyrim (And mod there once it comes out!). I'm hoping I can put my work experience to good use with Oblivion's contruction set. According to the information I've read about the Construction set, the workflow/pipeline for creating mods is not so different than the one at work.


I'm looking for a nice place to settle down, interesting people to talk to concerning mods and the creation of in-game assets. Is there an IRC channel around here somewhere?

After looking around here, I've yet to find an actual technical/general mod discussion section. Most of the ones I've seen are related to people asking for mods, proposing ideas and such.

What I am looking for is a section where people discuss their workflows, and talk about the technical art side of things.


Thanks a lot! I hope I've stumbled accross a great, fun community!

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Hello there!!! Nice to see another friendly face on the nexus :) I'm a modder myself... (Or try to be) And still in the slow, slow learning process, but remember, if there are any questions, just ask on the forums, and you get (almost) immediate help. :thumbsup:
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