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myrrhcat - Formal warning issued

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myrrhcat has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Misuse of the report feature despite clear warnings not to from multiple staff


I know you are banning people for reporting this homophobic mod. You should be ashamed. Stop silencing the voices of gay people who are hurt by this. Surely there are some limits to what kind of offensive content you'll host, so why will you host something that's blatantly hateful toward gay people?


As already stated the mod is not homophobic and no logical evidence has been shown to enforce that it is, just rants and raves from people trying to find a cause where non exists because they want the attention.


Removal of content

The staff reserves the right to remove, with or without notice, any content at any time. If a violation of theses terms and service and rules has occurred based on the judgement of the moderation staff (and only the judgement of the moderation staff, not your own) action can be taken against the uploader in the form of an informal warning, formal warning or a ban when warranted.


There is nothing hatefull towards gay people here, using your supposed standards, any man not physically atracted to other men or women not attracted to other women must be homophobic because they are not gay.


Every one is free to choose their own orientation be it gay straight, bio sexual etc and not have someone else forced one them by others like you are trying to do.


We would not accept if it a gay person was force to be straight, and this is also vice versa. You can not have one rule for one and another rules for others.






Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, myrrhcat has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot use file tools for 7 days

This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




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