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Boss Load Order Problems?


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yeah well i really appreciate everyone's effort to help a clueless old guy like me. thanks a lot guys.. you said wrye bash is the best tool for modding in oblivion, but i just want to have a few simple mods on my oblivion. i don't even wanna think about creating mods lol...so does it do anything up my alley? i made a batched file for the first time on that thing, wow..i'm gonna screw something up i know it lol


I am going to use some technical terms, but walk with me... :whistling:


Wrye Bash allows you to run/harmonize multiple mods that make changes to the same data records/structures, making Wrye Bash a very important tool if you plan to run multiple mods.


For example, two mods that change the inventory of the same NPC (each NPC is a single data record/structure) are incompatible by default. Only one mod can change one data structure (for example a particular NPC). Therefore, many mods can't be used together (as it does not take many mods to start having several mods desgined to modifiy one or more of the same data structures) and only the changes from the last mod loaded take effect. This is often called the "only one rule."


Enter Wrye Bash! When you build a bashed patch, Wrye Bash scans all your mods and, on the fly, combines multiple changes to the same data structure(s) (such as an NPC) into one new plugin -- i.e. the Bashed Patch. The Bashed Patch loads last (or close to it) and so its combined modifications, incorporating changes from multiple mods, are what the game 'sees.'


I hope this explanation is sufficiently clear to help you understand the importance of Wrye Bash. (What I describe is merely the core feature of Wrye Bash, it does lots of other important and useful stuff once you learn how to use it.)


Happy modding!







P.S. I am a clueless old guy, myself. :happy:

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alright so i reinstalled oblivion, placed it in c:\games\oblivion. it worked fine. then i installed the unofficial oblivion patch and the game started to crash. so i uninstalled the patch and the game worked fine. so then i installed the better cities mod and when i walked to the imperial city, it was all in skeleton form, with no walls. i practically walked right through the city and everything looks weird and glitchy. then i walked under the city or what not and it didn't crash but the graphics looks haywire. so i decided to wrap to a new city. and right when i warped the game crashed.


obviously it's the better cities mod (whether or not i need a compatibility patch I'm not sure, or if the actual mod files are corrupted, but the only mods i have installed is the 3 parts to better cities. as of right now i deactivated the mod and the game seems to be running fine again. any suggestions? thanks




p.s I'm determined to get to the bottom of this.

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