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Ethnicities in the Nevada Wasteland?


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Why does this remind me of the complaints I heard about the lack of black people in the Lord of the Rings movies?


The Fallout universe is not meant to be an accurate representation of the future.


Nobody's complaining, just discussing a point which is actually recurrent in all forms of media.

Edited by evertaile
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To be honest I think the real reason is just that Oblivion often forgets details and doesn't tend to tie up their loose ends... there's a lot of rough edges in New Vegas that could have used some work.


I just hope that if Fallout Online is ever created, which is supposedly set in Detroit, Interplay has more racial diversity, or when Bethesda makes another they do the same.

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Just a thought wasn't Detroit hit by the Virus before the end almost killing all inhabitants

Oh and just to tell you guys there was a national quarantine at the time when the bombs dropped


I also forgot to set my opinion on the last post.....Yes, but more on Mexican and Native American influence outside of the Strip but having most NPC's based as trappers, traders, rangers, ranchers, and snipers due to vast Knowledge of the surrounding areas because of being born locally to that region

(and no I'm not trying to be raciest, Because the vast knowledge that I knew about the surrounding areas when I lived about 30 miles away from the nearest town like how to keep alive if you get bit by a rattle snake)

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Interestingly enough, there was a big article on this very subject in a recent edition of Game Informer. They discussed not one game, but how many games, with the exception of GTO, seem to have a glaring lack of minority representation. It came down to exactly what I thought it would- what will the gaming community accept and how will it affect the game's profit potential.


So the short answer is, it is not always profitable to put minorities in games, just like in movies. Sad but true. I'm glad we at least can make our own characters black, asian or hispanic if so desired. Actually I thought that NV had more minorities than usual. Be nice to see that as the rule, not the exception, that's for sure.


Good topic and good, respectful discussion of it as well! :thumbsup:

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Interesting, might you have a link to that article if it has been digitized?


Guessing you mean't GTA?I find it rather humorous that one of the few games which does have racial diversity is also one that capitalizes directly on violence and crime... but, we are in agreement, it comes down to profit and white people with money want to play games with white people in them...


Living in the larger cities of Michigan most of my life, it is really strange when one doesn't see minorities.


I wonder if Bethesda will ever do a future game based primarily on Hammerfell. With the prominence of Redguards, it's interesting to consider what the financial implications would be.

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Interestingly enough, there was a big article on this very subject in a recent edition of Game Informer. They discussed not one game, but how many games, with the exception of GTO, seem to have a glaring lack of minority representation. It came down to exactly what I thought it would- what will the gaming community accept and how will it affect the game's profit potential.


So the short answer is, it is not always profitable to put minorities in games, just like in movies. Sad but true. I'm glad we at least can make our own characters black, asian or hispanic if so desired. Actually I thought that NV had more minorities than usual. Be nice to see that as the rule, not the exception, that's for sure.


Good topic and good, respectful discussion of it as well! :thumbsup:


It's the 'token' factor. I don't think a game would become less attractive by having MORE minorities. Nice post --- Have you got a link to this particular article? I'm curious what was used to gauge their results...to what extent the concept of saleability versus ethnicity is an accountable factor for creativity and development, what cross section of users did they employ to get their results, how many variations of that model. How concrete are the findings of boardroom heroes? The general direction seems to be, who is buying the game, who plays the game - I think perhaps a poll or user input survey during a game's development would introduce a more dynamic approach to this topic. If primarily is looked at the demographic such inclusion and transparent methods may even expand upon that...


Back to my original inputs...I can sit here for hours on end spinning the logical deductions of why something is the way it is - but unless the creators back that up, or at least give some form of solid foundation - it's little more than speculative excuses for why so many holes exist.

Edited by evertaile
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Living in the larger cities of Michigan most of my life, it is really strange when one doesn't see minorities.


I wonder if Bethesda will ever do a future game based primarily on Hammerfell. With the prominence of Redguards, it's interesting to consider what the financial implications would be.

So true, so true. After having lived in the US for the first 30 years of existence this time around, I now live in Italy, which has very few minorities compared to metropolitan US. I'm around so many white people that when I get around blacks (can't say Africans, because many Arabs are here too), Pakistani, and Indians, it actually makes me feel more *at home* in a strange but undeniable way. Last time I visited Amsterdam, which is really chock full of immigrants, it felt the same way.



Strange to think that most other people don't feel the same way. To me, a video game should represent the same ratios that I've grown used to.


They might not do Hammerfell for that reason, methinks.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif



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