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Don't want the free stuff from shops


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So yeah, i don't want items on shops/inns/houses marked as 'free to take', i want them to remain as 'steal'.. Any way to change that with mods or console commands? I already tried setting the relationshiprank to 1 but that didn't work.

Edited by germanware
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I think 0 is the default relationship rank, so you could try that. The only other solution I know of would be to avoid the quests that make the shopkeepers like you.


Thx for the reply. I already tried to set the relation to 1 and 0 with no results, and in this particular case it happened after being caught pickpocketing on the bannered mare, i chose to go to the jail, then when i came back to the inn everything was free to take.


It sucks cause i'm trying to role-play as a thief but i guess i'll just have to get more into character.

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That's an odd thing to trigger the disposition change. So I guess I need to add "don't get caught stealing" to my list.


I guess Hulda just feels sorry about you going to jail over such a small thing and wants to make it up to you. :)

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