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Follower's Companion (pet)


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I made an orphan follower for a companion-a pet for the companion, if you will. Pretty much just a follow package for the ai. Problem is, she always attacks member who are not in factions in which she is. In other words, unless I add every possible faction, I think she will assault whomever she comes upon. I made an option for the player to tell his companion to send her home. And since she is supposed to be an insane feral child, it's kind of funny I guess.


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Yep... sounds like a very low personality / disposition score or a very high aggression score. The responsibility and energy scores might factor in there somewhere as well.


Thanks to both of you posters. I set her aggression to unagressive, that did the trick. Now, if I someone can tell me how to make her canibalize corpses, lol.

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