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Assistance with an Enchantment

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Hey guys. Rookie modder here.


So I'm having trouble with a specific staff enchantment.


Essentially what it does is it turns an enemy into an ally, but it only effects one NPC or creature at a time.


So for example say there are two enemies: 'Troll 1' and 'Troll 2.' When I cast the enchantment onto 'Troll 1,' he will become my ally. If I then cast the enchantment onto 'Troll 2,' he will now become my ally instead and 'Troll 1' will automatically revert to his original state as an enemy.


Now I've got most of the enchantment worked out already. The problem I'm having is that I can't for the life of me figure out a way to only have it effect one enemy at a time. I figure the best way would be to use a script but I'm not exactly a scripting expert.


I was wondering if anyone had any ideas that might help me out?


Thanks in advance.

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Ya I have a feeling you did this a hard way..

You basically just need a alias inside a quest holder, the alias propertys holds everything you need, can change keywords, factions etc. Then on the enchantment all you need is a script for oneffectstart then force the actor into the alias, boom, all your problems solved. When you hit someone else with it it forces them to the alias and the other bad guy will go back to his normal s#*!

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