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Suggestions For New Character


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Well, do what I did . . . Take your favorite race, (mine is Dunmer) and use some aspect of their homeland in your current game. Adrynn, as you know, is a Redoran Champion from Vvardenfell who came to Cyrodiil on the behest of his mentor, the Nerevarine . . . He has a deep hatred for evil, yet leads the Dark Brotherhood and has his own Daedric Island in Dagon's Deadlands . . . See the Irony? Do something similar. ;)


my vamp will mess you stuff up...anyway i made my character so people dont have to give me suggestions now.

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...Yeah so any suggestions just no bloody cat people.


You sound like an Argonian LoL.


"Im an undercover Khajiit in disguise, wanna see me lick my butt?"


I think amusei says that ^ cant remember


I'm not a stickler or anything ,but its Dar Jee who says that, Its what makes him one of my favourite characters.

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Monks are pretty fun to play if you make them with the right skills. You can add a bit more realism to the character with a couple of mods. Midas Magic has some great spells that you can use that have some interesting effects. And I use Armamentarium for the Blunt Staves for some extra fun (and more loot variation). And the Donkey mount ;D
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