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Workaround for GECK Function Bug/Issue? using KillActor to dismember limbs causes unintentional XP gain


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(I haven't been able to find much discussion mentioning the XP issue but apparently it shows up in the Mothership Zeta DLC for Fallout 3)


I've been trying to edit a mod that dismembers limbs when eating corpses with the cannibal perk using the KillActor function,


Syntax (from GECK wiki):

Actor.KillActor Killer:ref DismemberLimb:int CauseOfDeath:int

This successfully makes limbs explode when you cannibalize a corpse, but it also rewards 20 XP for every limb KillActor destroys so now eating corpses nets you a free 100 XP and the XP gain message shows up onscreen.


I believe the XP is rewarded to the player because I use "player" as the Killer reference in the script below, but is there a workaround for this?


The GECK wiki says: Use some dummy NPC (e.g. CG01DadREF) for Killer param if you don't care who killed him and just want to use the other optional parameters. (Do NOT use player since that will cause "limb crippled" messages to be displayed.)



I've tried creating other references to use as the Killer reference but only "player" produces the exploding limb effect on the corpse. Right now I've just added a line to counter the effect by rewarding -100 XP, but the XP gain message still shows up on screen, which is what I'd like to get rid of.

StartCannibal Player

ref ThisActorRef
set ThisActorRef to GetSelf

ThisActorRef.SetRigidBodyMass 90
ThisActorRef.killactor ThisActorRef 
ThisActorRef.killactor player 1 -1      # dismembers limbs but rewards 20 XP
ThisActorRef.killactor player 3 -1      #              "         "     20 XP
ThisActorRef.killactor player 5 -1      #              "         "     20 XP
ThisActorRef.killactor player 7 -1      #              "         "     20 XP
ThisActorRef.killactor player 10 -1     #              "         "     20 XP
ThisActorRef.SetRigidBodyMass 10

Player.RestoreAv Health 25
Player.RestoreAv Hunger 25
Player.DamageAv RadiationRads 2
RewardKarma -1
RewardXP -100 #used to offset unintentional XP gain
ModPCMiscStat "Corpses Eaten" 1

If Player.HasPerk MeatOfChampionsPerk
  Player.CastImmediateOnSelf MeatOfChampionsEffect
Edited by louiswho
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The game uses this script in the Primm residence to dismember the heads of the sheriff and his wife.

scn GenericBipedHeadDismembermentSCRIPT

; This trigger has a script that will dismember the head of its linkedRef

ref linkedRef
short doOnce

Begin onLoad

	if doOnce == 0
		set linkedRef to getLinkedRef
		linkedRef.killactor linkedRef 1				;dismember Head
		set doOnce to 1								;Trigger is only set off one time	


That script produces no extra XP gain.

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