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The walking dead deathclaws.


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OK so the title was a little misleading, it's not actually about zombie deathclaws (that's more on the to do list) but more of a general problem I'm having with placing corpses. I need to place several deathclaw & enclave corpses in dead winds cavern. I have been using DEADDeathClaw, and verifying that their health is 0, and no low level processing is checked. But when I play through the mod they are alive and well!???!!! I was under the impression that with 0 health and no low level processing they'd fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes as soon as I entered the cell. I also tried with a standard deathclaw DCSDeathClaw zero health, no low level processing and get the same effect. I really have no clue what's going on. Since I havn't seen any tutorials on placing corpses and it's the first time I tried I thought I would check and see if there is something obvious I am overlooking.


edit: oh I should mention that the supposedly dead enclave and deathclaws do seem to be being saved with 0 health since 1 shot kills them.

Edited by devinpatterson
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OK so the title was a little misleading, it's not actually about zombie deathclaws (that's more on the to do list) but more of a general problem I'm having with placing corpses. I need to place several deathclaw & enclave corpses in dead winds cavern. I have been using DEADDeathClaw, and verifying that their health is 0, and no low level processing is checked. But when I play through the mod they are alive and well!???!!! I was under the impression that with 0 health and no low level processing they'd fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes as soon as I entered the cell. I also tried with a standard deathclaw DCSDeathClaw zero health, no low level processing and get the same effect. I really have no clue what's going on. Since I havn't seen any tutorials on placing corpses and it's the first time I tried I thought I would check and see if there is something obvious I am overlooking.


edit: oh I should mention that the supposedly dead enclave and deathclaws do seem to be being saved with 0 health since 1 shot kills them.



Yeh this happens apparently. Wasn't an issue in FO3 but is now for some reason. No personal experience but I think I remember someone saying you should make a unique creature, set health to 0, delete all AI packages, and if all else fails make a script to kill the deathclaw if it resurrects.

Its a simple enough script but I cba to research it right now, should be able to find it on the scripting commands section of the construction set wiki.


Good luck getting your deathclaw to stay dead =]

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Yeh this happens apparently. Wasn't an issue in FO3 but is now for some reason. No personal experience but I think I remember someone saying you should make a unique creature, set health to 0, delete all AI packages, and if all else fails make a script to kill the deathclaw if it resurrects.

Its a simple enough script but I cba to research it right now, should be able to find it on the scripting commands section of the construction set wiki.


Good luck getting your deathclaw to stay dead =]


I have made some uniques (of both the deathclaws & enclaves) and set them to 0 health and endurance, but I havn't tried deleting the ai packages, maybe that will do the trick. I'll give it a shot, thanks Kibblesticks

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There are several threads about this, like this one, or this one at bethsoft. You can use the "run havok sim" button to make them start out ragdolled. Removing the packages seems to help. Some people recommend an "onload kill" block.


Thanks DavidAllen, my google skills must really suck, I couldn't find much of anything using keywords geck, corpse etc. The threads look like they will solve my corpses problem.


BTW you seem knowledgeable in scripting judging by your excellent decisions with regrets mod. Would you have any clue on a script that can differentiate between interior world spaces and NVwilderness spaces? I have a train of 3 brahmin I use for carrying loot and they have the standard wait and follow commands, but I'd like to make it so that they automatically wait outside when entering a interior world space (sometimes I forget to tell them and 3 brahmin, along with 2 companions can get a little crowded in a small space like a shack).

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Interesting question. Are your brahmin companions, or do they have a simple follow package? I don't think a follow package can be modified so the NPC will never walk through doors. It sounds like that is what you want, you want them to stop at any door. Maybe somebody else who knows more about scripting can help.
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Interesting question. Are your brahmin companions, or do they have a simple follow package? I don't think a follow package can be modified so the NPC will never walk through doors. It sounds like that is what you want, you want them to stop at any door. Maybe somebody else who knows more about scripting can help.


exactly, no problem I'll ask around, it's not really a big priority at the moment anyway.


I edited my GECKCustom.ini and changed bUseMultibounds=0 and turned on run havoc sim under world (along with a unique form, no ai packages and 0 health). But strangely enough it didn't change anything. I thought maybe geck was rewriting its GECKCustom.ini, but the bUseMultibounds=0 entry is being preserved.


So I guess my only option is to attach a script to kill them. in the thread you mentioned there is this script;

begin OnLoad




Which seems simple enough, but I'm not entering the correct ref. Here is mine;

scn KillEnclave0GunAFDead


begin OnLoad




But I'm getting a sytax error on line 4. So I'v tried replacing Enclave0GunAFDeadREF.Kill with the following combinations without success;

Enclave0GunAFDead.Kill 01000DCFREF.Kill 01000DCF.Kill 01000DCE.Kill 01000DCEREF.Kill


01000DCF is the reference editor id, Enclave0GunAFDead (01000DCE) is the Object base


But I keep getting

SCRIPTS: Script 'KillEnclave0gunAFDead', line 4:

syntax error. Invalid reference "Enclave0GunAFDeadREF' (only object references and reference variables are allowed in this context).


I guess I don't understand the sytax

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When a script executes on an object, "getself" and "self." are redundant. Any function which takes a ref, can be called without a ref, and it will operate on the calling object. The following will also work (note use of [ code ] tags to maintain indentation)

begin onload

I suspect you may have spelled the reference name "Enclave0GunAFDeadREF" wrong. If you use the edit->find text menu and enter this name, is it found?

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When a script executes on an object, "getself" and "self." are redundant. Any function which takes a ref, can be called without a ref, and it will operate on the calling object. The following will also work (note use of [ code ] tags to maintain indentation)

begin onload

I suspect you may have spelled the reference name "Enclave0GunAFDeadREF" wrong. If you use the edit->find text menu and enter this name, is it found?


I think I just cut and pasted the name, but to make sure I did use the text search and Enclave0GunAFDead showed up in the npc & as a ref in dead winds cavern. Weird :( Even if it was initially misspelled wouldn't the 01000DCFREF.Kill have worked? Hmmm.....don't know what's going on. I'm using powerup with SE but I think that just about everyone is using it, so it can't be a bug in it.


Oh and thanks for the info on getself & self, that will streamline things a bit

Edited by devinpatterson
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