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curses and diseases, new debuffs and challenges


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In kingdoms of amalur reckoning they have both curses and diseases in the game, diseases act as a natural thing while curses are more supernatural, it made me wonder, would anyone here be interested in added curses to skyrim? They would work as follows



the following things can cause curses


enemies that use magic

failing to pick a lock, maybe it was warded that way?

ward traps

failing to pickpocket someone

fighting dragons, they are magical and have powerful shouts, maybe they could curse you?



I am not sure of skyrims limitations but maybe they could act as a disease for simplilty sake? then it gives a reason to be careful and carry cure disease potions




here's a potential list of curse effects


randomly burst into flames for no reason at anytime taking fire damage

randomly freeze and fall to the ground at anytime taking ice damage

randomly get struck by lightning and take shock damage

unable to sprint

skills are halved

randomly get staggered for no reason at anytime even in combat

randomly fall to the ground for no reason at anytime even in combat

health, mana and stamina are halved

unable to regen health, mana and/or stamina

unable to restore health, mana and stamina by any means, no magic, potions, powers will restore it

you get randomy bounties for no reason

npcs become hostile to you for no reason

unable to summon



someone also suggested that you can curse enemies, not sure if anyone is interested



anyone willing to take this suggestion and any ideas for curses?

Edited by balmz
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