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Arm Mounted Machete


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My Problem is that my Characters usually last for only 1-4 Weeks.Its less that I get bored of them,but more the Fact that I state clear goals for my Characters.I will probably try to extend the Playtime of my current Character though,he is pretty fun to play as.

Edited by Fenryr3001
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My Problem is that my Characters usually last for only 1-4 Weeks.Its less that I get bored of them,but more the Fact that I state clear goals for my Characters.


I'm not making any promises in regard to a time frame, or even weather it will be completed (at all). Your more than welcome to request someone else create the mod for you within the time constraints your require. From the sticky (at the top of the request forum);


Truth be told the chance of your mod being made is beyond extremely slim as most mod makers are busy with their own projects and ideas are a dime a dozen with every one thinking theirs is "teh bestest idea eveh!".


If you really want your idea come to life you are best to learn how to mod yourself.

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What stuff would I need to atleast make the Weapon?(Besides the GECK)


I'd say at least a 3D modeling program (and basic proficiency in it, I'd recommend blender since you'll be rigging in it) and a photo editing app (most people use gimp or photoshop). There are a ton of tutorials on nexus's FONV and FO3 sites.

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