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Delphine won't recruit followers.


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As the title suggests, when I speak to Delphine while I have ANY follower following me and tell her to induct my follower into the blades and I tell her I'm sure she says that she will give them the oath..... followed by nothing. She just goes back to what ever she was doing and my follower is not dismissed no matter how many times I select the option.

Notable things:

I have not yet reached the stage where they require you to kill Paarthurnax in order for you to further interact with them.

The dialog option "I've brought someone to induct into the blades" only appears during her first lines when you initiate dialog and then disappears once she finishes what she is saying. I can only get it to reappear if exit the dialog then wait roughly 10 seconds and speak to her again then I have the option (but only while she is speaking). I can select the option and it appears as if everything is normal but after I confirm I want the induction she says she'll give the oath and then nothing happens. I have tried this with several housecarls and many followers all of which fail to leave my service. (She also never says the oath)

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