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Number of Mods?


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I have been downloading a lot of mods lately to try them out, so I have about 50 different files. I have turned a lot of them off, but how many is to many to have? My system is very good, but I don't want to over load it. Finally, is it okay that the files are there, but not on? I do not want to unistall all the mods I do not use, because I may deside to use them someday. Is this okay as far as making my game stable?



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I have been downloading a lot of mods lately to try them out, so I have about 50 different files. I have turned a lot of them off, but how many is to many to have? My system is very good, but I don't want to over load it. Finally, is it okay that the files are there, but not on? I do not want to unistall all the mods I do not use, because I may deside to use them someday. Is this okay as far as making my game stable?



The mod limit is around 250. Yes it is okay to have them there, but off.

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