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reproguide and Doc Barrows problem


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Greetings to each and all.


I am very new to the use of mods and have for the most part muddled my way though. However I have come across a bit of a snag.


I am currently on a quest for the Wasteland Reproduction Guide and was sent by Moira to speak with Doc Barrows. When I talk with him to obtain the info I need to carry on, the dialogue box comes up with a dark blankness in it with no selection options present, and in a moment it disappears. He is not the only NPC to do this, however he is the only important one to my knowledge that does.


Is there a fix of some sort for this whether it be a script or otherwise, or should I be looking to setstage <Quest ID> <stage> to at least get past this issue?


Now I have been looking into the GECK (only in the past few days as I am that new to this aspect) to try and find the <Quest ID> and the <stage>. The <Quest ID> comes up as reproguide and the <stage> I believe I should shoot for is 50. I have attempted this numerous ways with these values but it does not recognize reproguide, so I am thinking that it must require a numeric code and I don't know how to find that. Would someone be kind enough to assist me?


Thank you in advance. :wacko:

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Somehow I suspect that it would be a good idea to actually say which mod this quest is from. A QuestID is an 8-digit code with the first 2 numbers being the mod's load order number. Have you tried checking the mod's page to see if anyone else has reported this issue? It may be that if this issue is a known problem then there may well be a solution on the mod's page, maybe in the Comments section.
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