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Havok Building Block Woes


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Ive created a mod which allows the player to purcahse and drop large stone blocks (havok enabled) with which to build walls or barriers or even structures. I even added a trap script so that the blocks can injur or kill you if one lands on you (had some great laughs over this aspect of them). You can see some screens of what i have done so far here:



Unfortunately, ive been running into a few problems. For some reason, when the player leaves and returns to the cell where the blocks have been arranged, the blocks will snap back to wherever they have been dropped (the spot at which they were removed from the inventory). Its a little annoying to spend a bunch of time building something only to have it become a pile of rubble when you return. I think it has something to do with the maladacrumblewall.nif that the block was derived from. Essentually I just stripped all the nodes that dealt with the other blocks in the wall leaving the one regularly shaped piece. Where in the .nif can I find something that deals with object persistance?


Also when I attempted to modify the friction value for the block within the .nif (using nifskope), the blocks all lost thier colission properties and fell thru the floor when the savegame was loaded. I was trying to work out a problem with the blocks sliding out from underneath eachother when stacked too high. I guess nifskope corrupted the nif somehow but I am a novice modeler at best and dont really know how else to modify the value. The issue doesnt come up often so its not too critical. Just one more kink to iron out..


I would be extremely greatfull to anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction to getting either of these worked out. I kinda feel like im fumbling around in the dark with this one!



Much thx!!

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What it sounds like to me is that the game is recording what you're doing to the blocks in its in-memory cache of your savegame's record for the particular cell you're in, but never actually committing that part of the cache to disk. In my own terms, you're doing "soft" movements where "hard" movements are required, and you'll need to finalize them using commands that you know make changes to the savegame for the changes to take effect.


In Morrowind's scripting language, the fix would look something like this:


begin "bblock_hospital.sc"

; Don't ask
setpos x ( getpos x )
setpos y ( getpos y )
setpos z ( getpos z )


Sorry, but I can't translate that to Oblivion script. Hope you can make sense of it.

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The commands appear to be the same. It appears, however, that you want to use

scriptname MyBlockScript
begin GameMode

rather than

begin "MyBlockScript.sc"

You may need quotes if your script's name includes spaces. Not sure about this.


P.S. Does .sc actually mean anything, or is it a habit formed while using another language?

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