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Dragonpriest Weapon Pack request


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I know there are dragon priest armors here but I cant find weapons for them, I have one question, could dragon priest wield weapons like hammers or battle axes if yes then can I request weapons for them, I mean every priest specially named priest should have their own weapons right? so Im here to request weapons for them


Rahgot - Fire Enchanted Battle Axe
Vokun - Fire Enchanted Hammer
Vahlok DB - Fire Enchanted 2H Sword
Ahzidal DB - Fire Enchanted 1H Sword
Krosis - Ice Enchanted War Axe
Volsung - Ice Enchanted Hammer
Dukaan - Ice Enchanted 2H Sword
Hevnoraak - Shock Enchanted Battle Axe
Morokei - Shock Enchanted War Axe
Nahkriin - Shock Enchanted Hammer
Otar - Shock Enchanted 2H Sword
Zahkriisos - Shock Enchanted 1H Sword
then the nameless priest can have the vanilla Dragon Priest Dagger
Also I just saw dragon priest stave handles from the requests here and I think its really good for dragon priest's weapons, swords that has dragon stave handle and then the axe/hammer with dragon stave body


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