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Crosshair Coordinates


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Quest to find exactly where the player-character is aiming


Ok after playing around with several different UI mods (3rd Person Crosshair Alternative, Immersive Interface etc.) I found that they all seem to place the crosshair at different locations, with some worse than others!


The main file that controls the location of the reticule is afaik "hud_reticle.xml". And with my very limited understanding of the code/info in this file I was able to locate the x & y position data within. I compared seveeral of the "hud_reticle.xml" files from different UI mods and the values can be different, and thus noticable in-game.


So not wanting to have an inaccurate shot (my char uses a bow alot) I started to play around the values and test them a lil for the accuracy as to where the arrows were landing.


Now it would be frivolous to assume that the characters are aiming at the dead center of the screen (X= 0, Y= 0), yet that is was the logical place for the testing to begin.


And thus far through my own tinkering have found that X= -5, Y= 0 to be the most accurate, although using a bow it is quite hard to ascertain the value of Y due to shots arcing.


EDIT: Have just been testing a lil using the "Ultimate Archer" mod to test accuracy more with lil shot decline over distance, and have found these values to be v.good.


But am only a casual player and have done lil testing aside from playing for "headshots" @ distance & shoting letters in shop signs etc. so if anyone has more knowledge//expierience of these things please post. :)


Ah forgot to mention:


The line of text that refers to the x/y positioning of the crosshair in the "hud_reticle.xml" is under:


<!-- default crosshair image -->

<image name="hudreticle_reticle_crosshair">

<x> -5 </x>

<y> 0 </y>


....so anyone can move/test the positioning.


Oh the file location (default) is:

C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\menus\main

Just right-click & "Edit" the file in notepad to change the values. 8)

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