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"forsaken lorikh village"


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I think this is unique landscapes. Like so much in that mod there's lots of interesting stuff to see but its a bit vague about explanations and quests. What exactly are you meant to do here?

I slept in the bed in the town and got a weird fmv of the graveyard and a person but I went there and nought.



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i think i know what you are talking about


Lorikh Village Features:


* Within the ruined village there is the remains of a bed for sleeping in, but beware, you may not get much sleep as the haunting of the area will invade your dreams.

(1 of 3 randomized video cutscenes plays when the player sleeps between midnight and 3am).

* It is said you can still hear the screams of a little girl from the Well in the center of the village during the night.

(1 of 3 randomized sound effects will play between midnight and 3am when the player steps up to the well).

* Lost spirits still roam the village seeking their final resting place.

(2 ghosts roam the village between midnight and 3am, they will flee and vanish when the player gets too close, only to reappear later on)


taken from this page


hope this answers your question

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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So there's no point? Its just weird decoration?


no point??

i wouldn't say that


the creators took a great deal of time to create these scenes, and implement them in an awesome way


besides, not every mod needs to have quests in it

some times you just need to go outside, and see the beauty of the world (and isn't this just the point of Unique Landscapes??)


this part was meant to give some atmosphere, and give you a unique experience

if you don't like it, that's fine, but would you have felt better if it wasn't there at all?? telling you that the place is not for the weak of heart, but giving nothing to back this up??

whatever you got, i say be happy with it :thumbsup:

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There seems to be more to the area than for it just to be just a pretty area. Pretty areas are like the waterfalls west of there and the sunken wayshrine I've seen about.

That place really feels like there's a quest- whether marked or 'unofficial'- somewhere about.

Edited by tyr1
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There seems to be a but much there to be just a pretty area. Pretty areas are like the waterfalls west of there and the sunken wayshrine I've seen about.

That place really feels like there's a quest- whether marked or 'unofficial'- somewhere about.


well, i would agree that waterfalls and such are beautiful

but if you think of the name of the mod, Unique Landscapes, it's supposed to give you different looks to the world

not every place could have the same type of beauty, or it will become boring, and will lose it's uniqueness


besides, the whole thing is for you to find beauty in whatever you look at

i wouldn't expect you to find beauty in an Oblivion plane, but i'm sure you can find some sort of beauty in an eerie forest

you just have to try hard enough to see the beauty there ;)

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Sorry, don't know what I was thinking when typing before, edited it to put what I meant.

It does look kinda cool- wouldn't see beautiful, a bit too....halloweeny. Doesn't look real- but its misleading, makes me think there is something to do there.

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