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Iona Voice Changer


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Iona is probably my favorite Housecarl Follower in the game. And I have a mod that makes her look amazingly beautiful compared to Vanilla Iona. However, I also have the Follower Commentary Overhaul and the A New Start RP mod and started off in Solitude and got Jordis as my follower. Her commentary and voice, in my opinion, sound way better than Iona's. I love the tough girl voice that Iona has but Jordis's voice is just divine IMO. However whenever I attempt to change Iona's voice in the Creation Kit, her face always reverts to a horrible disfigured non-vanilla Iona head for some reason whenever the ESP is checked. And no the appearance changer has no ESP either, it was just a drag and drop of models and textures.


So can someone make some sort of ESP for me that changes Iona's voice to...I believe it was 'FemaleYoungEager'. This voice actually matches her new appearance more IMO anyway. And for anyone who needs it, the companion appearance mod I have SHOULD be 'Skyrim Beautiful Followers'

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