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Error installing mods with Dragon Age 1.04


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Hello all,


I'm very new to installing mods for Dragon Age and have just updated my game to version 1.04 (latest version) but with no additional DLC, packs or anything like that installed - just the original game.


I'm trying to install a couple of mods using daupdater.exe as instructed in various mods / tutorials. However I recieve a consistent error when installing and can't see a way around it. Out of curiosity, I tried a couple of other mods but neither of them worked either.


The log file during installation of one of the mods is as follows:




15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUGameTCPPort: 8000

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUGameUDPPort: 8001

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUIdleShutdownTime: 60

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUFinishDownloadsAfterShutdown: True

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUDeleteDownloadsAfterInstall: True

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUMaxActiveDownloadSegments: 2

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUProxyURI:

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUDebug: False

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUMinDiskSpace: 16777216

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUHttpTimeout: 100

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUBinaryWriteRetryCount: 5

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUBinaryWriteRetryTimeout: 1

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUFileMoveRetryCount: 5

15/02/2011 11:37 - , Information - Settings: DAUFileMoveRetryTimeout: 1

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Utilities.DAGameInfo, Information - Found Dragon Age install path: C:\Games\Dragon Age

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Utilities.DAGameInfo, Information - Found Dragon Age exe version: 1.4

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Utilities.IniFile, Information - Reading ini: C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\DragonAge.ini

15/02/2011 11:37 - DAUpdater, Information - Localization file C:\Games\Dragon Age\data\DAUpdater.xml loaded.

15/02/2011 11:37 - DAUpdater, Information - Language set to: en

15/02/2011 11:37 - DAUpdater, Information - C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daupdater.exe

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Processing manifest for: C:\Games\Dragon Age\mods\storage_chest.dazip

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Successfully processed manifest.

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracting: C:\Games\Dragon Age\mods\storage_chest.dazip

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Location: C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\storage_chest\

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted file: Manifest.xml

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/core/data/tal_storage_chest_modcore.erf

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/module/data/tal_storage_chest_module.erf

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/module/tal_storage_chest.cif

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted dir: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/core/override/

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/core/override/PRCSCR_tal_storage.GDA

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted dir: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/assets/

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted dir: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/assets/2da/

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted file: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/assets/2da/PRCSCR_tal_storage.xls

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted dir: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/assets/art/

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extracted dir: Contents/addins/tal_storage_chest/assets/sound/

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extraction successful.

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Install mutex not found.

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Skipping folder C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\storage_chest\Contents\packages (doesn't exist).

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Installing tal_storage_chest folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\storage_chest\Contents\addins to: C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Updating AddIns.xml

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Error - Couldn't update XML file, error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\AddIns.xml' is denied.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor(String filename, Encoding encoding)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(String filename)

at DAUpdater.Engine.Content.ContentInstaller.UpdateAddInsXml(String UID, XmlNode newAddInItem)

at DAUpdater.Engine.Content.ContentInstaller.InstallContent(InstallInfo installInfo, Boolean bDeleteAfterInstall)

15/02/2011 11:37 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Error - Install failed!




Unfortunately, it's all greek to me. Can anyone see a way clear to helping me to get the mods installed? Is it because I'm using a newer version of the game than the mods were created for?


Many thanks in advance!

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What operating system are you using as if it is Vista or Win7 you will need to run the DAModder and DAUpdater as an admin.


Have you also used the configuration tool to configure DAO?


Have you tried installing mods using the DAUpdater instead of the DAModder?


The last thing I will ask is have you deleted the ini files and restarted the game?


Let me know where you are at and I'll see if I can come up with something. I also need to ask what version of DAO are you running, ie off a disk, steam etc and which one, ie Deluxe, Ultimate etc.


Thanks for the information


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Hi Naomi, thanks for getting back to me...


I'm using Windows XP and am using the admin account on the system - that said I tried using the "run as.." command to run as an administrator and it still resulted in the error I posted before.


Both DAModder and DAUpdater report that an error occured during installation. DAModder suggests I send off an error report email but doesn't provide more information I'm afraid.


I've not tried deleting any .INI files and haven't seen anything on that? As far as restarting the game goes though - it's closed down when I try and install the mods but starting it then quitting then trying again doesn't seem to help.


I'm running the game from a CD and the copy I have is simply "Dragon Age: Origins". However I do also have the expansion pack, Awakening. This isn't installed and isn't a part of the original DVD though, it's a seperate package all together.


Does that help? I really appreciate your efforts here :)

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Hi Thandal,


Thanks for responding but I'm afraid the FAQ didn't really help. As far as I can see, I've followed instructions exactly and it still errors on installation.


One point that might be worth pointing out: I just registered two promotional codes through the Bioware store for The Stone Prisoner and a joint piece of armor for Mass Effect 2 / Dragon Age.


These registered correctly on the site but didn't install correctly in my game - it claims they're for version 1.0 only.


Could that have some bearing on the mods I'm trying to install as well? Did the 1.04 patch screw something up?

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Those two don't claim they're for 1.0 "only", simply that they require AT LEAST game version 1.0. Other DLC require higher minimum game versions.


From your listing of the error messages, it's clear that SOMETHING is not installed properly, but DAUpdater should have been "installed" as part of the overall game installation process. YOU shouldn't have to do anything other than run it.


Two things to note/check:


a) What mods are you talking about?


b) DAUpdater can ONLY help with mods (and DLC) packaged as a ".dazip" file. Other types of mods need different handling.

Edited by Thandal
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Aha! I fixed it!


The answer, after all that, was something stupid and small: I had the "Bioware" folder in My Documents set to "hidden" to keep everything in there nice and neat - I don't like programs chucking loads of folders in there so I just hide them.


But by doing that, it was stopping the mod installer from properly installing anything.


Simply unhiding the folders fixed the problem and has let me install anything and everything with no further issues.


Thanks to both of you for your help, I can't think why I didn't try this sooner but luckily for me at least - the issue is solved.


Happy gaming! :)

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Duh-Oh! :laugh: Yeah, DAUpdater needs access to the folder where it's going to put all your DLC and other ".dazip" files. There are several other folders under you profile that the game uses regularly. The "Saves" one, for example... :whistling:
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  • 2 years later...

Hey Kalfireth, thanks for letting us know how you fixed it! Several years later and I just had the same problem. I had copied my documents over from another system that had the bioware folder hidden so I didn't even remember it was there until I started getting errors while installing mods!

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