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Animations and Quest Banks


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I have two ideas i want to suggest.


First one is about animations. Have you ever played dead space 1? If yes, then you know what i'm talking about.

They use some kind of slower smoother animation, which is just what fallout requires. The movements in fallout are too quick, and that often leads to unrealism.

If you think i'm wrong, just try crouching as quick as the fallout characters. Also, that leads me to another topic, movement animations.


What makes a game feel like a movie, is the cut scene feeling.

For instance, in dead space 2 i sometimes died because the game was so real, that the cutscene ended and i had no idea.

To give that cut scene feeling, you must add some third person animations, for when for example the player gets knocked over.


Long story short, create new animations to replace the movement ones, smooth and slow down all the animations, the new ones and the current ones. Give the game a slower/smoother feeling.



Second is about telekinesis. In dead space ( yes i know i'm mentioning dead space a lot :P ), there is something called telekinesis.

Here is a demonstration:

We all know how the grab system in fallout is really bad. I mean, really? Invisible hands?

So my idea to fix this, was replace it with telekinesis.

Whats required is really simple, just add a lightning effect that goes to the object, and normally use Z to carry the items.


Just increase the range a little, so it feels like telekinesis.

So it would actually be the normal holding, with a little more range, but with a lightning effect.

And also add a quest to get it, so it doesn't feel like some kind of cheat.



Third is about the Quest Bank. That is actually an idea i had to reduce the amount of Mod Configurators, or Quest Items in your backpack.

Originally, it was intended only for Mod Configurators, but since it would be a waste not to use it for quest items, i chose both.


It is very simple actually. Create a Container that looks like a computer ( Doesn't need to be a computer, it will only make more sense since its mainly intended to drop Mod Configurators), then create a toggle quest item functionality, so that when you open the container, you can drop any quest item you want in the box. Then place it in somewhere like Goodsprings Doc's house, or something like that. I really like that idea, because having the option to change the game settings in the middle of a battle, feels kind of like a cheat.

Edited by AlexRD
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